“Free as in Freedom,
not Free as in Beer”


One of my favourite accessories in my swiss army knife. Drilldown packets with my profile.


If you need to monitor Schneider Electric APC APDU8859 this Zabbix Template is for you.

Zebra ZT411

This Zabbix Template focus on retrieving useful informations from Zebra ZT410, ZT411 and ZT610.

Found one of my projects useful?
Invite me to a coffee


Also linux need an housekeeper to keep things clean, I’m writing it for Ubuntu and RHEL os.

Kitty ZSH

An efficient housekeeper to run your MacOS system smoothly as it were the first time.


After years of experience on ZT series I developed some useful stuff in ZPL for the printers.

Subnet Calculator

After using for long time the “sipcalc tool” from CLI, it’s now time to have something more visual and capable.

Cisco Meraki

I improved the default Cisco Meraki template available from Zabbix 6.x release. My template discover and organise devices through the API and then use the powerful local SNMP to retrieve data.